I was at this point still using my old soldering iron setup, and struggling along with it. This build was less eventful than the last, and to be honest I think my main motivation was to prove it wasnt a fluke, and to build something that included the requisite True-Bypass with LED and 9v power that adorn all well appointed pedals these days.
So when all was said and done I ended up with something very similar to my first build, and despite trying, the 9v socket didnt work. In retrospect I managed to get this to work by actually wiring it accurately, but i think heat has caused it damage, and its intermittent at best. So this beaut simply sits on the shelf, another badge on my FX scout neckercheif if you like.
Building this (again using Maplin parts, albeit having ordered some 3PDT off ebay etc) I realised I wanted to use Hammond style cases. I sourced some of these off the eBay again, three Dynacomp sized, one more "EH mid size XO series" sized.
It was about this time I started an unsuccessful run of Bazz Fuss builds. For whatever reason, I simply am unable to make a working version of this effect. So I resorted to ....you guessed it...another SHO build, figuring "this one will be cooler cos itll be in the right size case etc". I also decided to try a proper layout for this one.
This went into an extremely poorly drilled MXR sized Eddystone die cast case, using perhaps the worst quality 1/4'' jacks Ive seen. Avoid ebay for these, and go to Banzai or somewhere else for some quality Neutrik jacks.
The effect worked out, and it has a super bright LED. Like my previous ones, I had used a 22k pot, and 22k resistors, and a bunch of other substitutions, so it wasnt truly a SHO, but a good copy.
My final Episode of Super Hard On, came after my Fuzz Factory build, which I will document in a later post. I basically made one last ditch attempt at a Bazz Fuzz. This failed. Again. So, lo and behold, I made a fourth SHO, my best to date, and using some really nice components:
- Neutrik Jacks
- Alpha pot (proper 5k one)
- The proper resistor values of the original circuit
- Millenium Bypass circuit (thanks IvIark)
It has a proper working 9v 2.1mm Boss Style adaptor, red 5mm LED (v bright!) and basically looks like a real pedal (I think so, anyway). Sure, no decals or paint job or anything, but Im waiting for a later date for that.
Here it is, hopefully the last SHO ill ever build, and as good a one as I am likely to make:
If anyone reads this and wants some help with SHO pedals, Ive done too many now and will gladly share tips!
Hi im a fellow fx builder and was wondering if you where using E Granholm's dtdp daughter board from his post on freestompboxes.org? If so how do you find it. On the SHOs i built i found it hard not to get some popping though the speaker when switching. I have built both versions but like the 9.1v zenor one best. Interested to hear your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThe DPDT daughter boards work great I really like them. I dont get any switch pop (used on this, the Mammoth, and Factory Ive made so far).
Good news just about to put in an order for the switchs. The daughter board may be a bit big for the case i put my sho in so i will just have to go careful with my switch soldering
ReplyDeleteI recommend you order from Rapid. about £1.12 each for 10 or more, £5 delivery.
ReplyDeleteCheapest I could find.
FWIW also when I used a 3PDT switch I got some popping when activating. It may be worth looking at a resitor between input and ground (but im no expert, just a beginner in fact) so I could be wrong on that.
I got the hint from here: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2010/02/zvex-super-hard-on.html
ReplyDeleteI've just built a version of this. It works OK but has a weird hum when turned up full. Touching the box seems to sort out this hum somewhat. Do I have a problem with grounding? This is also the first pedal I have built.
Hi. Probably a grounding issue. Make sure you have a plastic DC jack, tip negative. Metal DC jacks can cause grounding problems.
ReplyDeleteNext up check the PCB (or vero) has a ground connection, and that it is all tied to the Power supply ground, along with the sleeve connections from the input and output, plus the ground on any footswtich you have hooked up.
good luck
this should suffice http://www.madbeanpedals.com/tutorials/downloads/StandardWiring_MBP.pdf